Lucky Draw Bike winners..  Alexander Bartlett (9) Christchurch..  Charlotte Irie (9)  Christchurch.. Congratulations to all the participants & thanks to all the sponsors who supported the event with close to 1200 entries.. Our thanks also to the Garden City Rotary Club members, families & friends who volunteered to make the day such a success..

Racecourse Hotel

Riccarton Racecourse Hotel

027 572 5229

Rob Densem..President

from 7am

On Tuesday mornings

Our Meetings

Our weekly Tuesday morning meetings are now being held at the Riccarton Racecourse Hotel,  at 7.00am, Speaker breakfasts on the first , third & fourth (fifth if there’s one) Tuesdays each month.  

LOCATION: Riccarton Racecourse Hotel, Racecourse Rd, (entrance off car park at rear of building) plenty of parking..


McDonalds Youth Duathlon


Entry Form
Course map
Race Rules


Tuesday Morning
Members Breakfast

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Garden City Rotary supports a number of community organisations and schools in our area

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